Deep Soulbreathing

Please check the dates for France and Romania; the trainings are bi-lingual. Thank you.

Using your breath as royal road to yourself

The Deep Soulbreathing is the result of 30 years developpement, tracing, moving on and transforming. It is a powerfull and lasting way of doing body psychotherapy.
I started with a training in Primaltherapy with Dr. H.v.d.Osten, then i was trained and inspired by K.Scheres ‘Intuitive Breathing’.

Using these experiences i have been building the system of Deep Soulbreathing. In this way of working, the breath is something like a skeleton key that allows access to the hidden contens of the soul.
Art Janov, the father of primal therapy one said, that the breath is the royal road into the unconscious. I can only reinforce that – and it is even much more.
If we work with our breath the healing way as it is done in Deep Soubreathing we use a bridge which does lead us carefully but directly into our souls’ kingdom. There we discover the matrix which means fullfilment for us.
And that is, what i am really intersted in:
how does the human being opposite me find fullfilment, health and peace.
Outside of individual sessions you can experience the Deep Soulbreathing in 3 different ways

Deep Soulbreathing – basic weekend
We experience the basics of DSB and start practicing it with our own pace. Friday is meant to break the ice, Saturday is devoted to the breathwork, sunday is meant to complete what is still open.
We do not provide food and shelter.

We meet 4,5 days in a nice seminarhouse somewhere in the countryside. We will be taken care of in terms of food and shelter and everyone can completely devote his time to the questions he came with. The day is started with meditation and the most space is given to the breathwork with which we clear ostacles and open up new spaces for us. Exercises from other areas of bodypsychotherapy, therapy of arts and councelling help to understand and to integrate the effects of the DSB

Deep Soulbreathing – Die Atemwoche
There are people who make a distinction between their life before and after the Atemwoche- Why is that ?

By healing childhoodwounds we set free vitality and joy of life. We see and understand the structures and patterns which restrict our self expression and we can transform them. The way every participant gets to know himself enables deep soulcontact and lasting maturation.
6 days we use the transforming power of breath to cross old pain and hardship in order to enter in new areas of strenght and fullfilment.

A beautiful healing process. A difficult and hard way back to my true beauty, to my soul and body.
And a beautiful and humiliating (at first) lesson about HUMILITY, COMPASSION, LOVE, TRUTH, BEAUTY. It was about authenticity, integrity, responsibility and human bonding. Freeing myself. I am free to shine!

Is there a place where you can meet yourself? And if there is, how can it be found? Will I get lost on the way? I don’t have a map. Does anyone know the way? Can it be shared?
It starts with a hope of sharing from the outside that says: “Lay on the mattress, feel your body, see what parts are cold and tense and what parts are warm and relaxed.”
So, for me the way was from outside – inside. It was here where the search met with an answer. The answer was that I have reasons to love myself. And this is a good place for creation to start, with nurture.
E., Psychologist

I came to the Breathing Seminar with no specific goals (or too many goals )and with great hope and trust I will find a way to healing.
When I first met Claus (for Constellations) I was sure I found the right guidance through my healing and to a better life. After this seminar I realized that I didn’t have the slightest idea about Claus’s mastery! The Breathing Seminar was a miraculous and revealing experience. I passed the “impression phase” now and I see deep knowledge, caring, compassion and excellence in managing such type of therapy. I have always felt safe, on the right way for me.
This seminar was a transforming, revealing and happy experience, one which I will never forget, and a new beginning for me, as a unique human being. I achieved my deepest goal, to be a better mother!
Thank you Claus! You have a deep, grateful and loving place in my heart!
B., Sociologist

A very inspired combination of techniques that break all barriers and open the gates to the most intimate and hidden corners of my soul. I will not miss another Breathing seminar, be it a week-end or residential. I want to have as often as possible the possibility to unleash the forces hidden within me, to bring them out to light and look them in the eyes, to get to know them and befriend them, or even confront them… I leave expecting the return.
R., Relational Communication trainer

This has been the experience of my life until now! In short: I felt so alive! I am very grateful. I opened up to the world, to GOD, to Love; I couldn’t even conceive this kind of deepness with my mind!
With all my soul I say Thousands of thanks to Claus, I admire his involvement, devotion and passion with which he guides us in this “journey toward the inside”. This week has been absolutely exceptional! I EXIST I LIVE I LOVE I BREATHE!!! I FEEL LIFE! I am soooooo happy!!!
P.S: now I feel and know more than what “one can see”
A., Manager

These days have meant relaxation, fluidity, flexibility, tenderness, compassion, not judging, joy, healing tears, days I fully deserved!
I am thankful for being the way I am for myself and for people in my life!
A., Medic

These few days have brought me back my vitality, energy, lust for life, and have made me reconsider my whole existence. Before the residential I was stiff, depressed, tired, and had a lot of questions. I didn’t let others get close to me and I didn’t allow myself to feel any emotions. I discovered I have an intelligent body and a lot of creativity. I discovered that around me there are people who have the same questions as myself and I accepted them partially (more progress!!). I made friends and had fun as I haven’t had since my childhood. It’s intense work, profound, and it’s worth every second of it.
M., Freelancer

Did the seminars have a hugely positive influence on you as well? Feel free to share your experiences with us.

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