

I do offer supervision for small businesses or groups working in the social area, f.e. teachers, social workers, educators.

Supervision means to create solutions for problems, common goals and challenges.

We start with the general question and look at and work through all the areas which are neccessary:

  • the structure of realtionships in the group
  • the common areas and the distinct differences in the group
  • different ways and strategies which could lead to the goal

It is importand that we create an athmosphere of safety and trust where everybody can speak his/her truth and is listened to and acknowledged for what he wants to add to the process – and also what he does not want to add.

Supervision can also help to support and ease painful processes of change or good-bye.

up to 4 persons:
120 min: 400,00 EUR
with larger groups we have to talk about the price indivisually.

For making an appointment please call:
Claus Kostka 0049 177 166 16 31

Active Mentoring

Some time ago I spoke to a client who I was working with since some time. We agreed upon the fact that our therapeutic work is complete.
As she wanted to continue to come but less often we created a new fomat, which I call ‘active mentorung’.

This programm is as well meant for people who need a mentor for a certain time and who do notwant to do therapy. A mentor how I unerstand it gives clear feedback and confronts the things which do not seem to work.

Active Mentoring consists of different parts:

  • stock-taking of the now situation
  • stock-taking of the ressources
  • stock-taking of the missing parts
  • setting a goal and how to pursuit it
  • clearing of the circumstances linked to the goal
  • reality check how am I and what are the next steps

60 min: 100,00 – 130,00 EUR according to self-assesment
90 min: 130,00 – 160,00 EUR according to self-assesment

For making an appointment please call:
Claus Kostka 0049 177 166 16 31


I do offer supervision for small businesses or groups working in the social area, f.e. teachers, social workers, educators.

Supervision means to create solutions for problems, common goals and challenges.

We start with the general question and look at and work through all the areas which are neccessary:

  • the structure of realtionships in the group
  • the common areas and the distinct differences in the group
  • different ways and strategies which could lead to the goal

It is importand that we create an athmosphere of safety and trust where everybody can speak his/her truth and is listened to and acknowledged for what he wants to add to the process – and also what he does not want to add.

Supervision can also help to support and ease painful processes of change or good-bye.

up to 4 persons:
120 min: 400,- EUR
with larger groups we have to talk about the price indivisually.

For making an appointment please call:
Claus Kostka 0049 177 166 16 31

Active Mentoring

Some time ago I spoke to a client who I was working with since some time. We agreed upon the fact that our therapeutic work is complete.
As she wanted to continue to come but less often we created a new fomat, which I call ‘active mentorung’.

This programm is as well meant for people who need a mentor for a certain time and who do notwant to do therapy. A mentor how I unerstand it gives clear feedback and confronts the things which do not seem to work.

Active Mentoring consists of different parts:

  • stock-taking of the now situation
  • stock-taking of the ressources
  • stock-taking of the missing parts
  • setting a goal and how to pursuit it
  • clearing of the circumstances linked to the goal
  • reality check how am I and what are the next steps


60 min: 100,00 – 130,00 EUR according to self-assesment
90 min: 130,00 – 160,00 EUR according to self-assesment


For making an appointment please call:
Claus Kostka 0049 177 166 16 31


I do offer supervision for small businesses or groups working in the social area, f.e. teachers, social workers, educators.

Supervision means to create solutions for problems, common goals and challenges.

We start with the general question and look at and work through all the areas which are neccessary:

  • the structure of realtionships in the group
  • the common areas and the distinct differences in the group
  • different ways and strategies which could lead to the goal

It is importand that we create an athmosphere of safety and trust where everybody can speak his/her truth and is listened to and acknowledged for what he wants to add to the process – and also what he does not want to add.

Supervision can also help to support and ease painful processes of change or good-bye.

up to 4 persons:
120 min: 380,- EUR
with larger groups we have to talk about the price indivisually.

For making an appointment please call:
Claus Kostka 0049 177 166 16 31

Active Mentoring

Some time ago I spoke to a client who I was working with since some time. We agreed upon the fact that our therapeutic work is complete.
As she wanted to continue to come but less often we created a new fomat, which I call ‘active mentorung’.

This programm is as well meant for people who need a mentor for a certain time and who do notwant to do therapy. A mentor how I unerstand it gives clear feedback and confronts the things which do not seem to work.

Active Mentoring consists of different parts:

  • stock-taking of the now situation
  • stock-taking of the ressources
  • stock-taking of the missing parts
  • setting a goal and how to pursuit it
  • clearing of the circumstances linked to the goal
  • reality check how am I and what are the next steps

60 min: 100 EUR
90 min: 130 EUR

For making an appointment please call:
Claus Kostka 0049 177 166 16 31


I do offer supervision for small businesses or groups working in the social area, f.e. teachers, social workers, educators.

Supervision means to create solutions for problems, common goals and challenges.

We start with the general question and look at and work through all the areas which are neccessary:

  • the structure of realtionships in the group
  • the common areas and the distinct differences in the group
  • different ways and strategies which could lead to the goal

It is importand that we create an athmosphere of safety and trust where everybody can speak his/her truth and is listened to and acknowledged for what he wants to add to the process – and also what he does not want to add.

Supervision can also help to support and ease painful processes of change or good-bye.

up to 4 persons:
120 min: 380,- EUR
with larger groups we have to talk about the price indivisually.

For making an appointment please call:
Claus Kostka 0049 177 166 16 31

Active Mentoring

Some time ago I spoke to a client who I was working with since some time. We agreed upon the fact that our therapeutic work is complete.
As she wanted to continue to come but less often we created a new fomat, which I call ‘active mentorung’.

This programm is as well meant for people who need a mentor for a certain time and who do notwant to do therapy. A mentor how I unerstand it gives clear feedback and confronts the things which do not seem to work.

Active Mentoring consists of different parts:

  • stock-taking of the now situation
  • stock-taking of the ressources
  • stock-taking of the missing parts
  • setting a goal and how to pursuit it
  • clearing of the circumstances linked to the goal
  • reality check how am I and what are the next steps

60 min: 100 EUR
90 min: 130 EUR

For making an appointment please call:
Claus Kostka 0049 177 166 16 31