About So(u)lutions
Everyone has come into this world to find out what is ‘his’. To express himself, to find ones’ place, to experience fulfillment.
Often our path seems to be very stressful and we do feel restricted and our self-expression is constrained.
There might be a chance that we are entangled within our familysystem. This means we have taken on tasks and burdens which are not really ours or carry things from the past unknowingly.
By setting up our familysystem with so called representatives, we carefully understand the hidden dynamics. Then we can transform the the system very respectfully and attentively towards a good and new solution. Thus we open a new inner image for our soul that gives possibilty for real change.
Using this form of grouptherapy we can:
- understand entanglements, resolve them and make new decisions
- settle relations
- understand family problems and solve them (divorce, sickness, death, etc.)
- clear our professional situation
- learn to be compassionate and to have boundaries
- find healing ressources for problems of our bodies
Who does not want to do a constellation himself but wants to find out about the process (or wants to come back after a previous workshop to reconnect to the energy of this work) has the opportunity to come as ‘participating observer’. That means, that you will not constellate something from your own life, but you can be asked to be a representative in other peoples constellations. This in itself is a highly satisfying experience and opens new dimensions.